I used to approach training from the point of view of studying exercises or movement.
Studying exercises
used the input motions, split the exercises into parts, practiced them separately and combined them into a single whole, into an exercise. Classic sports approach.
This is a working approach!
But its task is an exercise. The development of physical qualities and the benefit of it were comparable to the need to prove oneself in a particular sporting exercise.
Sports is a highly specialized exercise. But why is it necessary for those who are not sportsmen! To those who train for themselves, for life! And not the majority of athletes – 95%!
At one of the shows, I asked: “Are there any athletes here?” A significant part of them raised their hands. Then I asked a few more questions: “Are there any of you who will go to the competition tomorrow or in a few days?
In a month or five months will he go to the championship of the country, Europe and the world? Those who earn their living by such activities? Ruk wasn’t there!
I’ve been bothering myself with the issue of physical training for a long time, not in the context of sports, but in the context of life, for life. My desk is laid down with notebooks with notes, books, and on my laptop, besides information on physiology, anatomy and methods, there is only a photo of the desktop.
I have come to the conclusion that the task of physical training is not the ability to perform a specific exercise, task, make the organism such a person who can do it.
The focus on one or more exercises is a narrow specialization, and any narrow specialization has limitations that affect health and applied functionality.
At the moment, there is an unjustified fashion for certain exercises, such as lying down pressure, as well as a number of other exercises. The first question in the room is: “How much do you press? But it is possible and necessary to train the body in other ways.
Variability of movements – variability of load – versatility of development – complex preparedness. When we hit the same thing – it not only strengthens the working places, giving them more strength, but also leads to wear and tear.
Everything has its own shelf life. A change in the load variation combined with a change in its value will also change the impact. It will give the chance to improve the readiness and remove the excessive point load, to shift it.
You don’t have to strive to be the maximum in the exercise, you have to strive to prepare the body so that it is able to perform it. It would seem that the usual play on words! But it changes the goal-setting in physical training, completely. Exercise is a means, one of many, with which you can improve the body’s performance and health.
When there is an obsession with the exercise itself, the goal is not the body’s capabilities, but the exercise. This is a substitution of values. From the means to achieve the goal – a productive and functional body, the exercise becomes an end in itself.
And the productivity of the organism becomes a means. The productivity of the organism is needed only to the extent that it will give an opportunity to manifest itself in a concrete exercise. In this case, there is no applied nature of physical training. And everything that is not practical and has no applied importance, significance for life – is not necessary.
The trouble with this is that because of this misperception there is an imbalance of development, with sad consequences in the long run. This is a problem in many sports – performing one or more exercises, striving for maximum results.
There must be a clear understanding that an exercise is a means of achieving a goal, not a goal. The goal should be a harmoniously developed, functional body.
Exercise as a means of development arose long ago. For thousands of years, a man competed with his peers, with animals, with nature. The result of the struggle depended on the possibilities in strength, endurance, speed and agility. Success in this competition could be achieved only with good physical fitness.
Throwing of copies, darts, etc., use of tools, counteraction to natural disasters was a specific human activity that required long-term training to form qualitatively new motor skills. The need of life in physically prepared people led to the appearance of physical exercises.
And it has arisen when the person realized the huge benefit of the effect of exercise, that is, when there was an understanding of the influence of physical training on the efficiency of possession of tools, on the process of labor and social life. And the means of such preparation were physical exercises.
With the help of physical exercises people began to prepare themselves for real actions in life, increasing the level of health and physical productivity. Exercise indirectly influenced the quality of work, leisure and life in general. The transformation of labor activities into physical exercises has immeasurably broadened the scope of their impact on the person and, first of all, in terms of comprehensive physical improvement.
Modern social life erases this understanding. Understanding the importance of versatile physical fitness. Fashion and compliance with the artificially created demands of society are in the foreground. It is important to be in the circle of one’s own, those who are in the theme. Artificially created demand creates supply.
When the goal is to preserve and improve the health of the organism and to increase its capacity, then there will be no problems with physical training and fitness. When the exercise will be used exclusively as a means of improving the body, many problematic situations will be solved.
For example, if you want to be the most active in an exercise, you won’t use any of the tools that will help you achieve this, but have a negative effect on the body as a whole (pharmacology and other aids), as well as a change in the natural parameters of the body, to create favorable conditions for the exercise.
Awareness and understanding that there are risks raises a question! And why? Is the ability to perform an exercise or a certain type of work proportionate to the amount of resources spent on it (health, time, money, mood, other opportunities)?
Most importantly, it will solve the problem of one-sidedness and narrowness of physical development. Any narrow specialization creates an imbalance of development. When some parts of the body and systems of the body that provide muscle work are overdeveloped, and some of them are still weak.
There is a pulling effect. Where a strong link (part of the body) performs its work properly, and the weak link cannot withstand the pressure and is destroyed
Problem two. Constant homogeneous load on the body parts, the mode of operation is the cause of their overload, wear and tear. Parts of the body that are put into operation under load, in the same mode, wear out in the same way.
This is the reason for the phenomenon of occupational diseases and injuries in sports and professional activities. This is the law of nature: “Everything has its own expiration date! And the wrong approach in use, this term reduces.